Success Stories

Sun River HVAC Upgrade

De Anza Properties, Salt Lake City, UT


100% Financed through TBL Fund

This 19 building, 70-unit property built in 1987 was ready for upgrades to a more energy efficient HVAC system. TBL Fund was able to provide 100% financing for this $402,604 renovation project with a 5-year Fixed Rate loan. ICAST will be providing renovation services for this project.


  • Property is 20+ years old and requires replacement of resistance furnaces with new efficient HVAC units
  • Community owner wanted to implement energy efficent upgrades
  • Projects were too small to interest mainstream institutions


  • Three De Anza properties signed up for funding through TBL Fund
  • Replacement of Heat Pumps, Thermostats, Roof Repairs, and upgraded 220 Breaker will be provided by ICAST


  • $402,604.98 loan
  • Traditional 5-year loan with 100% financing through TBL Fund


Social Impact

  • Improved health and safety for approximately 70 low-income households
  • Local Job Creation and Workforce Development

Economic Impact

  • Increased affordability of Housing
    • Lifetime utility cost savings of $913,834

Environmental Impact

  • 965,756lbs of Carbon Emissions reduced over a lifetime
  • 524,926 kWh annual savings
  • Equivelant to 11,235 Annual Trees planted